A Clinic In Overacting
16 March 2021
Bad acting. Overacting. I wish just one person in this movie behaved in a likeable, believable manner. Laura L.'s character, the mother, is absurd in her portrayal as a saintly do-gooder. Over the top acting reduces her to an annoyance and nothing more in this all too familiar storyline. It's been done before, and done worlds better than this clumsy attempt at entertainment. Equally annoying is the old woman the kid is employed by. Whatever happened to subtelty in actor's words and actions? This movie just beats you over the head with whatever point it's trying to drive home. The deer in headlights look of the main character in this movie grows weary quickly. No originality, no revelations, no nothing of interest to a viewer looking for a deep and insightful viewing experience. If you start it, good luck completing it. You won't give a rip what happens to anybody here after half an hour. It stinks......
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