It was what it was, no more, no less...
16 March 2021
Well, with this being a movie by The Asylum, you pretty much know what you are getting yourself into here before you start watching the movie. Still, I opted to sit down to watch the 2019 movie "The Final Level: Escaping Rancala" for two reasons; first of all, the movie had Bai Ling headlined on the cover, and also because there is an odd chance that The Asylum actually does put something worthwhile out every now and again.

"The Final Level: Escaping Rancala" failed on both levels - pardon the pun. Bai Ling was hardly in the movie for even five minutes, but of course she was the most famous person in the movie, so of course The Asylum headlined her on the cover. And then secondly, this movie wasn't particularly great.

The storyline told in "The Final Level: Escaping Rancala" felt like a watered down version of "Jumanji" with a pinch of "Mortal Kombat" or "Street Fighter" to it. Not really a great combo. And it worked out even less well given the fact that the storyline was just downright laughable.

The acting in the movie wasn't actually as bad as you might think for a movie such as this. With that being said, you will not find yourself in for a grand Shakespearian experience either with the performances found in the movie.

The CGI effects in the movie were questionable. Some of them was passable, while others just screamed 1990s computer game.

And the fight scenes were just wonderfully scripted and equally wonderfully choreographed, lacking a fluidity to it and a natural movement between the participants. Spice that up with flashes of lights and strange arcade punching sounds whenever someone was kicked or punched, then you know what you are in for here.

"The Final Level: Escaping Rancala" was watchable, but hardly all that entertaining. I managed to endure the entire movie, but this is not a movie that I will return to watch a second time, ever.

My rating of the 2019 movie lands on a mere three out of ten stars.
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