The Walking Dead: Home Sweet Home (2021)
Season 10, Episode 17
The Beginning of the end...
16 March 2021
This was a terrible episode. Maggie shows up, and doesn't say ANYTHING about the Reapers until their all in the crapper? Three new characters are introduced just to die? Writing on the Walking Dead has gotten lazier and lazier. Plotholes everywhere - in the comic they still had bullets right up to the end. Here they aren't making them anymore? Why? The entire bit with the grenade was ridiculous. Does anyone do any research into weapons? Why did this guy just blow himself up? He had the drop on everyone - including woodsman darryl who, once again, gets ambushed in the woods! Maggie crouches and avoids getting blown up? Why didn't the guy jump on her and pull the pin? For that matter, why did he wait four minutes while she was in a trap? TERRIBLE episode.
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