This movie is a cinematic masterpiece
15 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Horrid Henry the Movie is easily the best movie ever made. It makes the Shawshank Redemption look like it was written by 4 year olds. I am not exaggerating when I am saying how epic this film is. It stars Theo Stevenson as the titular character Horrid Henry who works with his arch enemy Moody Margaret and his little "wormy" brother Peter to take down Brick House School. The story is one of the best ever written in the history of cinema and I cannot praise it enough. This film is turning 10 this year, and you wouldn't think that with its realistic CGI. I honestly felt the scene where Henry morphs into a dinosaur felt so real that it looked like there literally was a dinosaur in real time! Some of the low IQ haters might question the fact that halfway through the movie they introduce Fang, Henry's hamster which will be a particular plot point later on, as well as Sour Susan's sister to be brought on as another plotpiece. I believe that they are stylistic choices that the director Nick Moore added to mess with the haters who don't understand the significance of this masterpiece of a film. The highlight of this movie has to be Dick and Dom, who I assume are playing themselves. Now, this is where this movie will go over the low IQ haters heads unlike me who caught on to the fact that both Dick and Dom can control the universe. In the scene where Henry goes onto the "Too Cool For School" game show we can see Dick and Dom teleport into the void, while the gameshow audience still see what's happening. This shows Dick and Dom are capable of bending reality. No other character can do this, which proves that Dick and Dom are gods in this mere universe while all the other characters are mere mortals. There is so much to say about this behemoth of cinema that it would take me thousands of pages to complete, but know that this movie is not for the low IQ folk who do not notice the brilliance of this amazing movie. It would've won an Oscar if it wasn't rigged against this film. Maybe the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences are not "too cool for school" like us intellectuals who properly understood this magnum opus. 10/10, would easily recommend if you are a member of mensa like me.
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