Review of Moxie

Moxie (I) (2021)
Could have been great
15 March 2021
While having never read the book, the premise of the movie was intriguing. To me, it seemed like the perfect wish fulfillment, a movie about girls fighting back and making waves. Ultimately, I was left feeling a tad empty and like many of the "intersectional" moments in the film were unearned.

Without spoiling the film, I want to say that intersectionality is more than simply including women with various identities. A transgender character is given one line about dead naming, but then isn't given any sort of character arc. Two characters are revealed to be LGBTQ+ in a single kissing scene, but we don't see them really speak to each other the rest of the movie? My cynical side believes this was done so the movie could be shown in more countries by editing out these moments. Much space is given to the main character and her journey with feminism, boys, and her family, which I think was a mistake. There were really fascinating characters that could have built a fantastic, intersectional ensemble cast. Give this cast a plot that investigates the nuanced, experienced journeys of feminine people! Instead we're given throw away lines about gender, disability, ethnicity, race that feel like a screenwriter checking off boxes. Only the character with a mobility disability is ever actually funny with her quips at able-bodied extras.

Despite my qualms with the story we were given, this is a well directed movie with great performances. Only in a few scenes did the absurdity of the plot get in the way of believability (the principal knowing dismisses a few things that at most high schools would have resulted in at least an investigation). I won't watch again but I'm glad this movie exists for today's high schoolers as it portrays a positive representation of a high school cishet relationship, friendship among girls, and (of course) feminism.
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