Review of Smart Alec

Smart Alec (II) (1951)
Not Who Dunnit But How
13 March 2021
Peter Reynolds is a supercilious young man. He and his wife rent an apartment that faces his estranged uncle's apartment. He asks the head of Scotland Yard up to his flat, puts a record on the player very loud, disappears into his bedroom for a few seconds, and when he returns, his uncle, who has been sunbathing on his balcony has been shot dead. As his heir -- although he was about to be written out of the will -- he has motive... but there's no bullet. He couldn't have gotten to the apartment, so, despite the fact that he's clearly the one who did it, he's found not guilty.

It's a very nice little movie, carried on the obnoxious charm that Reynold oozes. I'm willing to forgive it on the absurdity of the performances; when he reveals how he did it -- because having been tried and found not guilty, he can't be tried again for killing the old man -- I was mildly disappointed. I had considered the method and rejected it on the grounds that tests had been made, and it wouldn't work. However, they didn't know that when they made the movie, and it's a beguiling movie.
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