Review of Deadwind

Deadwind (2018–2021)
HIGHLY recommended for those who like character driven series
13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
LOVE this show. First found it as a fan of Nordic noir, but was initially a bit resistant because a) all the comparisons to The Killing and The Bridge b) both the leads are unrealistically attractive and I thought they might've just been cast for the optics rather than acting ability. Well, I was pretty hooked by the first season, and well and truly over any qualms I had by the second. The parallels to other Nordic noir shows are definitely apparent, but they actually started to grow on me (kind of like a throwback to other shows I loved, but with its own touch of uniqueness). The main characters are interesting and layered, and Pihla Viitala and Lauri Tilkanen (the very good looking leads) are both wonderful, nuanced actors - both actually very experienced in their homeland of Finland and not just pretty faces! While it can sometimes be harder to judge the quality of acting when having to read subtitles, their abilities certainly transcended the language barrier. Plus the chemistry between them is absolutely stellar.

The mysteries themselves are engaging and quite clever, but there are definitely some far-fetched, head-scratching moments, particularly in regards to the way parts of the investigations pan out (other reviewers have commented on this) - but for me the real draw of this series (like many of the genre) is in the story of characters. Karppi is probably the kind of character you either understand completely, or don't at all. She has a relentless commitment to seeing things though - even at the detriment of other aspects of her life - that some people cannot relate to at all, and thus perceive as an unlikeable trait. I, on the other hand, felt very attached to her and loved seeing her character's evolution, particularly in relation to Nurmi. Neither Karppi or Nurmi are perfect (far from it), and that's the beauty of it all.

To me, the draw of this show is in the stories of the lead detectives first, and the crime/mysteries second. A warning that both are slow-burn affairs (so not for those with two second attention spans). And for all the far-fetched stuff going on in the investigation part of the show, the relationship between Karppi and Nurmi is treated painfully realistically - two seasons of obvious sexual tension simmering away, but the timing is never right and it's mostly just buried and ignored. I am very much hoping that S3 delivers on this front!

Highly recommended if you're into character driven Nordic Noir and believable relationship development.
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