Second Wife (1930)
13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A man who is a widower wants to remarry a woman who is jealous of his deceased wife.

A classic case of tensions arising when a step parent is introduced, and doesn't warm up to the child. Had a strong opinion about Florence who plays a woman who wants the husband all to herself, but tries to play innocent like she's not trying to put distance between her and the kid. What really made me mad was the father's reaction. Even after Florence showed her true colors, he still wanted to be with her. She was unreasonable and cold hearted towards a sick kid, and the man still longed for her. I started side eyeing him, when he had to think about visiting his sick son. However the ending was sweet and I did feel the urge to cry. It was obvious that her mind was poisoned by someone else, but still doesn't excuse her behavior.
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