Brutal and perverted
12 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was I thought a bit over the top in the gore, but liked some of the action and the animation was good. To me it reminded me of a cult status, where people are trying to save others from an evil cult. Haven't seen the Manga that this is adapted from so don't know what decade it was originally done. Being a female reviewer the animation seems to have a fixation on the female forms and let us look at what panties your wearing, and considering that the main female protagonists are high school girls (16yrs) would be considered an arrestable offence in today's climate as a perversion, hence my lower rating. There are moments when I laughed out loud at some black humour, but otherwise enjoyable. Obviously an open ending for a second series, but according to my son who is a Manga/anime fan that will depend on how popular the series has been with the public.
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