Red Sea Diving Resort or Operation Brothers?
12 March 2021
In this case I reckon sort of both. I was not aware of the real life incident (or rather incidents) this falls back on and the real people involved. So it is always nice to have a light being shined on things one doesn't know. This might spark curiosity and people might want to learn more than the film offers (and one can only imagine how much more).

Having said all that, the term "first world problems" that is being used, makes even more sense when you see what other people have to endure for just a modicum of the freedom most of us (especially those with the privilege of having time to watch a lot of movies - looking at you kid - which in case I'm not clear is aimed at myself primarily) take for granted.

A very emotional movie, that does pack a punch and a few "action" scenes too. Don't expect this to be an effects fest of course. I would like to assume that most can see past the Marvel movies Chris Evans has done ... or his teen comedies for that matter. And just to be clear, those are entertaining to say the least. At least for a lot of people, so enjoy those ... and if you are up for something different, you will cherish this too - on a different level of course, but still. What is a human life worth? And not in Hollywood terms ...
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