CHEER! - (7 stars out of 10)
11 March 2021
The stage curtains open ...

Back in 1991, this movie was "cool". Now, 30 years later, it is (at best) a guilty pleasure. Despite the fact that is hasn't aged that well, it does hold a measure of sentimental value to me, and even by today's standards, I still enjoy watching this from time to time. "Eve Of Destruction" follows a formula that was popular at the time, when an android named EVE, armed and dangerous, becomes unstable and at large.

EVE is an experiment in military A.I., a female android that was created to look just like her creator, a scientist named Eve Simmons (both roles played by Renée Soutendijk). When EVE is sent into the public population for a test run, her systems become compromised during a bank robbery attempt, and soon she is at large, a danger to anyone who has the misfortune of crossing paths with her. Colonel McQuade (Greogry Hines), an expert in anti-terrorism, is sent in to neutralize the threat. But when she goes nuclear, the clock starts ticking. Together, he and the good doctor track down EVE, leading up to an explosive ending.

I'm of the generation that got to actually see this when it was brand new in the theaters. My wife and I went to watch it, and we both enjoyed it. It was mindless fun with decent action scenes and a few memorable moments. Hines does his best badass imitation finding a new measure of fame in the cinema after the successful films, "White Nights" and "Running Scared". Renée Soutendijk was new to me, though she has been in numerous films before this, and several more after. But, she played her role adequately.

I would recommend this to the action goer who doesn't take their movie viewing too seriously, who can appreciate a little cheese once in a while. This is definitely a guilty pleasure, but still an entertaining 100 minutes and worth the effort. I give it a solid 7 stars out of 10 without hesitation.
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