11 March 2021
One of my favorite movies ever,The Shawshank Redemption is a modern day classic as it tells the story of two inmates who become friends and find solace over the years in which this movie takes place.Based on a Stephen King novel,this movie makes us feel different watching this film than most others as this is an incredibly realistic film.Tim Robbins stars as Andy Dufresne who is convicted of murder and Morgan Freeman as Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding who is a fellow inmate and close friend of Dufresne and Bob Gunton as Warden Samuel Norton who is the Warden of Shawshank State Prison and is a character who has mixed feelings and emotions towards everyone around him and a character who is sometimes easy to like and at other times easy to despise.This film is easily considered one of the greatest films of all time and I definitely agree with this fact.It was nominated for seven Academy Awards including (Best Picture, Best Actor - Morgan Freeman, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Original Score, and Best Sound) but didn't win any due to tough competition from the film Forrest Gump.I personally think that Tim Robbins should have been nominated for the Best Actor award as he really gave the performance of his career.Bravo to this brilliant modern day classic!
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