incredible so far, 10/10 if ending holds up.
9 March 2021
So far this has been my pick for anime of the season.

animation 10/10: its strange to say that attack on titan has the second best animation of the season but this show has been nothing short of breathtaking with some of the most lively and fluid movement I've ever seen.

characters 9/10: this will probably turn into a 10/10 by the end of the show but these character's are amazing with wonderful and thoughtful designs. For this to become 10/10 I want to see some more side characters get fleshed out.

plot 8/10: This has been the weakest part of the show while still being great. The thing holding it back has mostly been the lack of an overarching story (as of episode 9 because it looks like this might change) as WEP's instead chosen to look into one character at a time and flesh them out for around 2 episodes. with the way the story seems to be heading this might become another 10/10

impact 9/10: I have not experienced bullying and hope I never will but from people who have been affected by it they say its a very true representation and its hit them really hard. with a current theory that sprang up on reddit this show might be hinting at having one of the biggest gut punch endings ever and if it happens it will be a very sad 10/10.
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