The Minister (2020– )
Second rate
7 March 2021
I found this to be fairly shallow, predictable. you have the main character's quirks/illness and very little else. The remaining characters are very thinly drawn and pretty much stereotypes. Also we already know from academic peer reviewed work that their is a streak of what most would consider mental illness broadly present among politicians and elected and unelected govnrerment officials. It is not manic behavior -- it is narcissism and sociopathy. In the US for example, the location with the most psychopaths and sociopaths is Washington DC. And that is not arising from the general citizenry there -- it is quite specifically the govnrerment officials. Just google: Washington DC psychopathy capital of the US. And in fact northern Virginia, and southern Maryland where a large chunk of the government workers live is the second highest level of psychopaths.

So this show presents an illness that is mercurial almost charming and then something worse. It doesn't come near the reality which is more like US and UK House of Cards. As outrageous as House of Cards was, the data show that is actually a reality. And a much more interesting, fascinating reality. Most European productions and narratives tend to shy away from that. Bad actors in govnrerment tend to be portrayed as outliers. That is a bit infantile.

Ultimately this series has nothing to say. And it also does not entertain. Yes, we get it, the stark landscapes from scando-noir, are compelling. and Iceland is particularly stark, but it's not compelling not when there is nothing else.
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