Complacent (2012)
Heavy Film with Standout Performances
7 March 2021
Once in awhile you watch a film that you really just connect with on a personal level whether its the characters, the plotline, the performances, something about it draws you in, For me Complacent is that film. Cerina Vincent has always been one of those rare actresses who can instantly grab your attention if she's screaming running from some creature or delivering a heartfelt emotional piece. In this film there is a lot of the latter, my ONLY gripe with the film is the over usage of the same piano track during sentimental moments onscreen. From my understanding this film is just now barely seeing the light of day after a release on Apple TV and iTunes in 2021. The Film had a brief stint on Netflix in 2011 and then was unavailable anywhere until recently. Such a shame had this been given proper distribution or maybe a limited theatrical release i could have seen Golden Globe Nominations for Cerina Vincent, Kerri Green and Keir' O Donnel even Joey Kern (He's excellent at playing an stuck up A-hole).
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