Zeke and Luther (2009–2012)
One of my best childhood memories
7 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Intro- This is arguably one of my most favorite shows in the entire world, a series about two guys starting from the ground up to become famous skaters, no I do know that things did happen rather quickly in the show than they probably would in real life. But that's honestly what made this series progress even faster. Meeting new characters and learning new skills, All the while trying to with their normal lives which is not so normal when you look at it. These two to go through so many trials everyday that it honestly seems normal to them.

The characters- The characters are definitely one of the things that made up the show, you have Luther Waffles, which in itself is already a very outgoing name. His name is definitely paired with this personality where he's weird and funny but still has the deep sense of common wisdom that he gains from his best friend in the entire world, Zeke Falcone. Zeke is a character that I don't think any other show has ever had, He's very serious but funny, he doesn't have too big of strong intelligence but he has the most wisdom of any character I've ever seen from any TV show, let alone a Disney show. The reason I think Zeke and Luther are such a great pair is because they seem as if they are total opposites, but they are truly the same in a lot of senses. Which is why they are and I quote "Best Bros". There are a lot of other side characters that definitely develop over time, like (Cornelius Jonesworth) or commonly known as "Kojo". He definitely plays a part in the show, being the funny and charismatic character, definitely goes on par with the top cast, since he is apart of that. He was in almost the same amount of episodes as the actors who played Zeke and Luther. They're also a whole bunch of other characters that I won't go into, But they are definitely well written out. The way I see it is that every single character in the show has a small trait or small similarity to what the main character, Zeke has, not saying that Zeke isn't original because he obviously has his own traits. But I feel like has the comedy sense of Luther, the charisma of Kojo and if you want the series you'll definitely see how he relates to a lot of other characters hence, why he is the main character. As he helps develop other characters he unknowingly develops himself. There are definitely a bunch of episodes where you can see this happening but I'm not going to spoil anything.

The location- The show takes place in Gilroy, California. Which I thought on my life was fictional. Now I highly doubt that everything was filmed in the actual city of Gilroy. But saying in the show that they are in Gilroy definitely plays an impact on them. The two guys live in a place that was rather unknown. It wasn't horribly unknown in the show at least, mainly because there were still famous people that would drop by, and still things you wouldn't find in a tiny town. But that didn't mean that this place was very well known. If you would ever think of two guys from California trying to become famous skaters, you'd automatically assume L. A or some big city like that, not Gilroy. Like any typical skater they have their very own skate spot "Ramps" which to us it just seems like the back of someone building. Not to them it's the start of career, a beginning really can learn tricks and do big things that will hopefully lead to even bigger things.

Overall- The likelihood of any of the people that wrote this show seeing this review, is fairly low. Honestly I would like to say that this show has honestly had such a huge impact on me, this show made me want to do so many things whenever I was younger, they gave me listen to freedom that it doesn't matter where you're from or who you are or how you do things in your everyday life if you stick to one thing you can definitely make it out there. This show has made me laugh and also made me feel a deep sense of sadness but brought me a lot closer to things that I never thought I needed. Zeke's love for skating, has never stopped. From every fall to every land he's just kept going, And if in the fictional world that we see on the streaming platforms, like Zeke and Luther. If he could ever become a massive skater, someone like Tony hawk. If there's anyone in this world that deserves it, HE, is most definitely that person.

At the end of the show, the final episode, we don't know if Zeke, Luther or Kojo went off to be famous skaters, they might have just ended up working at dons donuts. But the reason i don't think that, is this. In the end, the three guys are acting their normal selves. As they ride their boards out of ramps, in a direction leaving ramps we rarely see, we know, that they will one do do big things.

I highly recommend this show

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