Amazing puppetry...pre -"Muppet Show" and "Muppet Movie"v
7 March 2021
I noticed that one of the other reviewers for this Jim Henson special said they wish that you could buy this. Well, I couldn't find it for sale either, though it is currently posted on YouTube. The downside is that there are no captions and the print is pretty blurry. But, it is a neat old show....and I'll take what I can get!

I looked for this show because I remember loving it as a kid...and was curious if it's as good as I remembered it. Is it worth seeing?

Well, the show begins with Kermit narrating and introducing the characters. I think this was wise, as it begins at the end...and younger kids will know because of this that the animals will all be fine. This is important because the humans in the show are very frightening....and for young kids they would be terrified if they thought the animals might die...as the humans DO threaten to kill them or mistreat them!

The story is about four unwanted farm animals, a donkey, a rooster, a cat and a dog. The four hate their lives on the farm and as they meet up, they decide to join up and head to the big city to make their fortune singing. However, their plans turn out a bit different than they expected...and they have to deal with some very nasty people in the meantime.

The puppetry in this one is amazingly good. I didn't think that Jim Henson and his muppeteers did such complicated creatures back in 1972. Long before audiences were wowed by seeing Kermit and Miss Piggy riding bicycles in "The Great Muppet Caper", you see an entire walking, talking donkey! You also have some amazing 'humans'....enormous costumes of very well made muppet magic. You just have to see all this to take in how well made and beautiful it all is.

So what did I think of the show now that I am a heck of a lot older? Well, I thought occasionally the songs were a bit too long and too often. Also, the story a bit scary for very young kids (at 8, I loved it...I am talking younger...perhaps 2-5). I warn you, the humans in this are pretty cruel and awful! So, you might just want to watch this with them and keep reassuring them that everyone will be okay...which, of course, they will. A truly unusual and beautiful show....as pretty as anything the Muppets ever made...and one that really SHOULD be on DVD or, perhaps, on Disney+.
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