Lingua Franca (2019)
Cinema Omnivore - Lingua Franca (2019) 6.8/10
6 March 2021
"Olivia's secret is hers to keep, it is up to her when she is ready to divulge it to Alex (in fact, she proves her honesty in front of Alex's proposal), whereas Alex is eventually put on his mettle and willing to accept Olivia as who she is, but he makes a prior mistake which turns out to be fatal. Sandoval is so determined to dignify Olivia that even a marriage out of love is unfeasible when it is marred by deceit, which must seem like a mote in Alex's eyes. He deems that he has done a good deed (an entitlement he earns solely by birthright), but Olivia's near silent response is louder than any words."

read my full review on my blog: cinema omnivore, thanks
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