So much potential!
4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This had all the potential to be a truly fantastic drama with it's dynamic casting, bright energy, and quirky sound effects, but halfway through, I found myself not caring whether or not I finished the series. I was way more invested in the side character's romances at the end.

I loved the first episode and how feisty Mi So was in her resignation. This series would have been greatly improved if Mi So actually got to live out her mission of discovering what makes her happy, and THEN came back to the office. I also had a huge problem with her immediately being okay that the Vice Chairman had lied to her for years about his identity and there was never any trust issues in their relationship stemming from that.

The kidnapping subplot was interesting, but it was resolved too quickly, leaving the brother to be a limp and useless character ultimately. It would have been nice if he would have been able to find new inspiration or romance after discovering his true identity. Ji Ah was a huge fan of his writing, so that could have been an interesting romance to explore to give the brother character a use other than shopping with mom.

The goofiness and comedy kept me going ultimately. I loved the Jane The Virgin style energy and the heightened drama. It would have been a better series ultimately had Mi So had more time at the beginning to explore her free will instead of being bulldozed by Vice Chairman from date 1. She never had a choice. Even though he was putting in the effort, I didn't find it to be a healthy mutually loving dynamic. She was never excited about him. She wanted to hide the relationship from her sisters, her dad, the office, everyone, and she wasn't even excited to plan her own damn wedding. The poor writing was a waste for two talented leads.
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