Death Squad (2019–2020)
Terrible show
4 March 2021
The acting is crude and unrefined, the show seems more like a comedy then an actual horror show. The actors look like they're barely able to speak any English and forget the lines often. The only two I actually was somewhat okay with was Thompson and Brooks. Everyone else did a terrible job and I'm not quite sure why the CW would ever date put something this terrible on their line up even if it's on the seed. I tried my hardest to watch this joke called a tv show but it was far too unbearable and just plain out corny. I'm ex military and the barely even had anything legit when they were talking (meaning lingo and even tactical approach when dealing with unknown enemies in unknown/foreign grounds). It was just bland and I feel they didn't really try when they made this. I'm not even sure this can make it in Bollywood which is sad. I'd give this negative stars if I could, but I'll give it a 1 due to them at least trying. It was a failed attempt at a zombie tv show, heavily inaccurate, and the acting was horrific.
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