The Walking Dead: Home Sweet Home (2021)
Season 10, Episode 17
Ok-ish episode but not great
4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok-ish episode but not great.

The sniper scene was fun to watch and i am probably looking abit deep at the end of the days its an entertainment show but..

They are being took out one by one by a single sniper in a very dense wood at close range (not happening irl without being located quickly especially with an unsilenced weapon). Then Daryl turns to Maggie and says "Single shooter only three shots and reload". Then maggie flanks the shooters location and finds an abandoned high capacity rifle with no silencer.. then they move on to find the shooter, who is some big guy who eventually tells them "pope marked you" in the worse accent i have ever heard think they were going for British but ended up sounding Russian. Before blowing himself up with a grenade which inexplicably turns him into blood and small chucks, without anyone else taking hard cover. Either its the most powerful grenade ever made by a wide margin that has no blast radius or clearly the writer has absolutely no concept of how firearms or what the power of a grenade is. Not even going to touch on the new guy in the stupid mask. Been waiting a long time for this episode sadly it did disappoint.

Maggie and Glens boy is a good casting, but why was he inexplicably sitting a tree not far for the earlier mentioned slaughter but yet no one seen him and he seems completely oblivious to what was going.. again makes no sense
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