Grand Army (2020)
Wasted potential
2 March 2021
When I was watching this there was a constant feeling I got; every time I was starting to enjoy the show and connect with the characters there was an artificial turn of events that made me feel like I was watching a 9 episode long PSA. I get that the point of the show was to demonstrate the harsh reality of some very specific teenagers from very specific social contexts, but come on, at least give it a little variation, not only hours upon hours of complaining, self pity, depression, and blaming every one of your problems on someone else, all while exploiting the most popular cliches you can think of.

In spite of these critics, I still think the show was decent. It had a lot of potential to be more interesting if the characters were more complex and not just the "good guys", who were always the ones struggling, and the "bad guys", who were portrayed as the only reason why the good guys struggle. If this show had invited me to think and question the real collective reason why these teenagers suffer instead of just blaming it on individual characters I could easily give it 7 or 8 stars, but it is too simplistic.

I give it 4 stars because I found it watchable and as I said maybe it could invite you to think further, but it was boring at times and quite predictable and cliche despite the clear focus on making the characters develop.
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