Doctor Who: Planet of Evil: Part Four (1975)
Season 13, Episode 8
A good, if unremarkable final episode.
2 March 2021
The Doctor has to deal with Sorensen, the problem the crew faced has now multiplied.

It's good, it's enjoyable, if I'm being totally honest, I feel like it's a little bit on an anti climax, the opening episodes are so sinister, so dark, and so full of menace. The solution perhaps needed to be a little more complex, it was perhaps a little too easy.

Salamar was a bit disappointing here, he had been a much more measured adversary, I think Sorensen was altogether more interesting.

It's always a joy to see Doctor number four and Sarah Jane, and the pair of course are a delight together, their closing scene is fun.

Was.this perhaps influenced by The Three Doctors? Sometimes I feel like it was.

Solid, 7/10.
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