Hell Girl (2019)
So much squandered potential...
1 March 2021
Granted, I am not familiar with the Anime that this 2019 movie titled "Hell Girl" (aka "Jigoku Shôjo") is based upon. But still, I mean, the movie had an interesting title and the synopsis sold the movie well enough. And of course, the mere fact that this was a Japanese movie that I hadn't already seen, was indeed sufficient to make me have an interest in watching it.

Well, "Hell Girl" wasn't exactly the best of things to make it out of the Japanese horror cinema. In fact, it was actually a rather bland and boring movie. Sure, the first third of the movie started out quite alright and the movie had a great tempo to it and the storyline was interesting, but then writer and director Kôji Shiraishi just lost the story completely, and it spiraled into mediocrity and boredom.

I kid you not. The last two thirds of the movie were so monotonous and slow paced that it was virtually a struggle to remain awake and sit through it. But I managed to do so, but I was not impressed, much less entertained.

Visually then "Hell Girl" was actually interesting enough. It wasn't groundbreaking or particularly over the top special effects or visuals, but they served their purpose well enough.

The acting in the movie was bland, but I suppose that was the result from a subpar script and giving the actresses and actors very little to work with. It should be said that actresses Tina Tamashiro (playing Ai Enma) and Sawa Nimura (playing Haruka Nanjo) definitely contributed their fair share to ensure to make the movie semi-watchable, despite having next to nothing to work with in terms of script.

While I managed to sit through the ordeal known as "Hell Girl", this is hardly an outstanding or memorable movie. And it is not one that I would recommend you spend your time, money or effort on. Well, perhaps if you are a fan of the Anime, then you will find some enjoyment here. But then again, as I am not familiar with the Anime, then I cannot say how true to the Anime this 2019 live action movie is.

My rating of "Hell Girl" settles on a less than mediocre four out of ten stars.
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