Crying Freeman (1988–1994)
26 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Many years ago, I used to love these, I guess I never thought through how HORRIBLE he was to his wife, and his belief that all women in his organization were his to use! Things he tells her AFTER the wedding, when they were virgins together originally, but to be his wife, she has t to have a whole body tattoo, AND a hysterectomy- forced on her by the previous lady who DID have kids! Then HE decides it's ok to spread his seed around! What will he do if one if these jealous women he's always leaving his wife -who he says he'd never save because he might lose his life, and that wouldn't be living life to the fullest! Yeah! Even other characters think this is mad! - what if one of these other jealous broads he's always going off to save decides to make a power grab, and either gets pregnant, likely on purpose, or kills his wife! All these women ARE killers... She's marked a and barren, so no man would ever want her, and the way he destroyed her every time he brings in another woman, at LEAST if she had a child, she'd have something that was HERS. Realistically, either by a woman or by his hands and a woman's machinations, she doesn't have long to live that life, trust me, I know.
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