Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Flipped (2007)
Season 6, Episode 14
Over the edge
25 February 2021
The Logan and Wheeler episodes that alternated with those of Goren and Eames in Season 6 were a bit of a mixed bag. None were terrible (none of the previous 'Law and Order: Criminal Intent' episodes are) but none were quite on the same level as the best of the Goren and Eames episodes in general. There were great episodes of theirs up to this point, such as "Maltese Cross". There were also ones that could have been a lot better, particularly "Tru Love" and "World's Fair" in my view left me conflicted.

"Flipped" is one of the best Logan and Wheeler episodes in my view, every bit as great as "Maltese Cross" and perhaps even better. As far as Season 6 goes, it is definitely in the top end. Would also go as far to say that "Flipped" is one of the best 'Criminal Intent' episodes to not feature Goren and Eames (where were the episodes where the show when it became less consistent most varied) and very nearly as great as the best of Seasons 1-4. Which is a big compliment.

Photography and such as usual are fully professional, the slickness still remaining. The music is used sparingly and is haunting and non-overwrought when it is used, and it's mainly used when a crucial revelation or plot development is revealed. The direction has some nice tension while keeping things steady, without going too far the other way.

Script is taut and provokes a lot of thought and tense conflict, without being simplistic or over-stuffed. The story has a lot of clever twists and turns that are also shocking (including one of the most unpredictable, in murderer and motive, reveals of the season and in a long time). Tightly and cleverly plotted throughout, "Flipped" keeps one guessing and to what the truth is.

All the performances are great. Love Logan, who has still not lost any of what made him the great character that he was in the early seasons of the original 'Law and Order'. Wheeler is a nice subtle contrast and they actually gel quite well for a duo of such contrasting personalities.

With all that being said, the ending did come over as very rushed and also somewhat abrupt despite being a complete shock.

In conclusion, great and one of the best Logan and Wheeler episodes. As well as one of the best non-Goren and Eames episodes. 9/10
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