Finding your way
25 February 2021
Don't be fooled by the group name Cutie Mark Crusaders. Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are far more interesting and a lot less cutesy than they sound and their character writing has come on leaps and bounds. Love their interaction together and also how they interact with their older sisters. They have some very good episodes centered around them too, especially "The Cutie Mark Chronicles", though the too cruel ways they are punished in some episodes has at times bothered me.

One of their weaker episodes is Season 6's fourth episode "On Your Marks". Through no fault of theirs, Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle actually come over very well (especially Applebloom), but it's the uneven, mismatched writing that lets the episode down. Not a terrible episode, there were worse episodes in Season 6, but not a particularly good one either. "On Your Marks" starts off strong but gets very sloppy in the second half, which is unfortunate as the concept was actually really great and one of the season's most promising.

The animation is bright and colourful as usual with meticulous background detail and expressively drawn characters. The music fits beautifully and an infectious energy and dynamic range. While not one of my favourite songs from 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic', "Out on My Own" is lovely and very heartfelt. Michelle Creber sings it with not just a tone that's appealing to the ear but also with a lot of genuine emotion. All the voice acting is good, especially from Creber.

For me, the first half was great. Loved how the Cutie Mark Crusaders played off each other and well fleshed out their personalities were. Really liked too how the first half was like them analysing themselves, what was successful and what failed talking about what they stood for. There are great moments throughout the episode, Bulk Biceps' cameo was most amusing and the character of Tender Taps is affecting without being cloying. The moral is delivered with a lot of honesty and another one that is so relatable and relevant.

It is such a shame though that "On Your Marks" doesn't end anywhere near as strongly as it started. Once the Crusaders separate, the episode falls apart and starts feeling a completely different and sloppier episode entirely. It becomes a lot less focused and feels rather meandering and unsure.

Although "On Your Marks" does a great job with Applebloom, developing her character beautifully, after the second half the other two are relatively underused and bland and actually didn't find the individual talent exploration interesting or enlightening enough. The pacing is less involving and the writing becomes a bit too sentimental.

Overall, not a good episode and a frustrating one of two halves (great first, sloppy second). Still watchable thanks to Applebloom and the first half. 5/10
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