Supernova (II) (2020)
Decent to watch, not enough either to impress or to be remembered.
23 February 2021
"You'll break my heart. It'll last forever."

I don't know what to make out of it. I love Colin Firth and I love all the magnificent scenery. In one scene, within just about 3 minutes, Colin dropped the most humourous line and the most heart-breaking line of the whole movie. and that's magical to witness. Then at the same time, I think neither the chemistry between Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci nor the plot's argument is strong enough to justify the outcome of their story.

The movie proposed a very important and interesting conversation, yet it seems they took it quite lightly over the course of it. Stanley Tucci's character surprisingly didn't struggle that much with his decision, especially when he's the one who practiced some of his routines only "because of the other half" (of the times where he could reach the desirable effect). And Colin Firth's character was just so helpless and he gave in too easily. I don't know if it was the intention of the filmmakers to achieve a shocking or a composed ending, but I do feel it's either powerful or convincing.
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