another chapter of bluster and misunderstandings.
22 February 2021
This was one of the "middle" chapters of Spitfire films, starring Lupe Velez. she and her fiery temper made NINE films with director Les Goodwins. in this one, she's married to Dennis (Buddy Rogers) and they decide to have child. the usual gag, where Leon Errol, is not only her uncle, but also the eccentric Lord Epping. and when he brings home the "orphan", this youngster is 25 years old Fifi (Marion Martin). this one co-stars Buddy Rogers and Zasu Pitts. Pitts is the hotel manager, who has already decided they are up to no good. the second half of the film is Velez storming, blustering, and mixing up her words. it's okay. another mexican spitfire adventure, similar to a Lucy episode. Sadly, miss Velez would die so young at 36, by suicide. and the irony of being pregnant at the time, considering the title of this film. she really had no cause to complain though, after being a movie star, and having relationships with HUGE stars Gary Cooper and John Weissmuller. that's a pretty amazing life already.
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