Review of August 8

August 8 (2012)
22 February 2021
More than 10 years have passed since the events of August 2008. I remember well how I was returning to Moscow along the Minsk highway when I heard a radio message with an alarmed intonation: "Georgia has started military operations on the territory of South Ossetia."

I have seen and heard about the film of Janik Fayziyev more than once. My expectations almost matched what I saw on the screen, barely holding back tears in particularly emotional scenes. The young director did a decent job, successfully embodying bold and creative ideas. One of them is a story about a boy who dreamed of robots-as an inseparable line from the general plot, which in fact became the center in the abyss of the main events. It is worth noting that the young actor did not play, but lived his role even in those silent moments when he, cowering under the table, looked through his mother's messages on the phone.

Separately, I would like to say thank you to Janik for the theme of maternal love, vividly reflected in the picture. The film left mixed touching feelings, reminding again of eternal values...

P.S. When the first time the film was turned on in the company of friends, they did not perceive the first minutes with animation and with exclamations like "what nonsense", "children's cinema", "is this the whole movie going to be like this?". As a result, the viewing was stopped. And for some reason I was offended that the picture is judged by the first minutes. But it is not for nothing that they say that if you are waiting for something good, it will definitely come to you. And so it happened (and the very next day). Someone suggested that we watch the movie after all. But the most interesting thing is that as you watch it, everyone who was nearby gathered at the screen. And outside, in the light of Sunday morning, spring was waking up, and the sky, our common and peaceful, blinded everything around with its bright, vast blue...
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