The Expanse: Nemesis Games (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
Good enough given the obstacles...
22 February 2021
I've read the reviews and it seems the ignorance that we're living a in a pandemic is not lacking.

I understood perfectly that the show was written and shot with the limitations of the 2020 pandemic in mind, most characters have been paired in groups to minimise interaction as a whole, most scenes were confined to one or a few locations, with the exception of Amos, for whom it was business as usual.

On the Alex / Cas Anvar issue... well, we live in the cancel culture zoomer times. It's unfortunate that the showrunners jumped the gun and already "convicted" the actor and it's unfortunate how his on-screen end came like this. It's undoable if the accusations prove to be exaggerated or won't lead to anything concrete legally wise, which should be the actual basis for anything done to an individual professionally wise. But, as I've seen in the past, these types of people can and do hide perfectly well under a veil of deceptive appearances. They appear decent enough to pass as nice guys. But what the truth is is up to the investigators to uncover.

As for the end, I did not expect that. Good show, gents!
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