Review of Silk Road

Silk Road (2021)
Interesting subject, but...
20 February 2021
While the subject matter of this film is certainly intriguing, the execution leaves much to be desired. Rather than focusing on the main protagonist, the film spends an excessive amount of time on a peripheral character, the cop. As a result, the heart of the story is lost, and the film ultimately falls short.

It's disappointing that the filmmakers chose to take a half-fictionalized approach to this topic. The subject matter is weighty and deserves a more serious treatment, perhaps in the form of a documentary. By trying to combine elements of both fiction and non-fiction, the film ends up feeling disjointed and unsatisfying.

Overall, while there are certainly interesting moments in the film, it ultimately fails to do justice to its subject matter. A more focused, documentary-style approach may have been more appropriate for this particular story.
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