Tribes of Europa (2021– )
Netflix bs bingo deluxe - nice for a drinking game though
20 February 2021
Just another dystopian show with teenaged heroes, let's take some of "The Tribe", another bit from "The 100", a landscape of "I am Legend". Also let's throw in some Sci-Fi elements, a bit of teen romance, diversity of course. And black eyeliner. We need more eyeliner! Since we already have a million US versions of this, just set the storyline to Europe. What you'll get is Germany's (or Europe's?) imitation of Hollywood's average dystopian "classics". Tbh I can't take it seriously, it might be a nice watch for when you get the laundry done and stuff, a little entertainment if you don't want to watch a show you have to use your brains for. It's also great for bs bingo combined with a drinking game, every time the show gives you a stereotype or cliche/trope and the typical Netflix bs, drink and you'll be crocked in no time!
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