It's hard to watch.
20 February 2021
The trial of John Demjanjuk begins, to huge spotlight in Israel, and across the word.

It's an incredibly interesting episode, you can't possibly watch this without tearing up, the accounts are devastating, how could such acts occur in living memory.

Many witnesses are now coming forward and identifying John Demjanjuk as Ivan The Terrible, it seems hard at this point to not believe it's him, but for a man to be tagged as one of the mat evil men on Earth, there needs to be certainty.

Joseph Cherney's is the most harrowing account ever, what he, and millions of others suffered, it literally doesn't bare thinking about, it's too awful for words. The words of Borax are heart breaking.

Seeing those graves in Poland, had me in tears.

Demjanjuk's defence lawyer Sheftel is a very interesting character, but as you learn with such shows, everyone is entitled to a defence.

One thing that seems so obvious, lies never help any case, innocent or guilty.

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