Darkroom (1989)
"Darkroom - we dare you to walk in, see what develops!"
20 February 2021
Waning - Do Not Watch The Trailer before the movie, unless you want to know the killer's identity beforehand!! Darkroom is set at a rural location where a family has gathered and an unknown (assuming you haven't watched the trailer) psycho with a passion for photography is on a brutal killing spree. Until very recently I had never heard of the film, it appears in none of my horror movie books. It was shot in under 2 weeks on a low budget and the acting is pretty amateur. We get the obligatory girl in the shower scene, though little nudity is seen, and whilst there is a sufficient body count the effects are nothing remarkable. Niko Mastorakis, who made the notorious (and bad) Island of Death, is producer and the film does have a part European Giallo look, the unknown glove wearing killer, the darkroom where the killer develops his photographs, etc. The most horrific thing on offer here is the character Steve and his prize winning mullet! I have scored this 5/10, partly down to the fact that I watched it on a really nice Blu-ray release, I love slasher movies and could happily watch them all day long, but your average horror fan may feel short changed by this entry.
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