Review of Apostasy

Apostasy (2017)
Asking an ex-JW to review this film . . .
19 February 2021
. . . is like asking Mary Todd Lincoln to review "Our American Cousin." This film received lots of 8s, 9s, and 10s from viewers, most of whom are ex-JWs with an axe to grind. As former JW away from the sect for over 40 years, I was amazed to see how things have remained unchanged, according to the film. The attitudes and platitudes are still the same. No quarter asked or given; my-way-or-the-highway resolve of the committee, even among sympathetic members. This film begs the question: just how much stony heartlessness is one sinner obliged to endure on the path to redemption? The standard JW response is "Read Job." Christianity never promised a rose garden in this world. As for me, I couldn't hack it. Too weak. I thought the film well-acted and portrayed a religion I knew all too well from the inside. The pacing was leisurely but appropriate for the story. It did not feel slow. I kept waiting for something horrendous to happen which would cause the faithful to feel justified in their religion but the horrors originated from within the faithful, just like real life. I rated the film a 7 simply because the sound was, in my opinion, kind of muddy which made understanding the Brit accent difficult at times.
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