Better not to worry about what happened last night...
19 February 2021
As I sat down to watch the 2016 comedy "What Happened Last Night", I must admit that given the movie's cover and its synopsis, then I thought I would be in for something akin to the "American Pie" movies.

Yeah, except this was nothing like that at all. "What Happened Last Night" was just a mundane movie, and it was actually quite often so boring and slow paced that I found myself checking my phone instead of watching the screen.

The storyline from writer and director Candice T. Cain was just a swing and a miss. Especially since what I suppose were supposed to be funny moments throughout the course of the prolonged movie completely fell through and ended up being bland and not even getting a smirk. So for a comedy, then "What Happened Last Night" just failed.

And it didn't really help much that the characters in the movie had about as much appeal as wet cardboard. Come on, these characters in the movie were just stripped of personalities, quirks, traits and anything that would make the audience relate to them, much less take an interest or a liking to them. So again, another swing and a miss from the writer.

It was tough for the actors and actresses in my opinion, because they literally had all the cards stacked against them and they were fighting a massive uphill battle. I mean the lack of proper script and the lack of interesting characters just gave them nothing to work with. I wasn't familiar with anyone on the cast list here, which is usually something I enjoy. But given the fact that they had nothing to work with, then I can't claim to have seen anything interesting portrayed on the screen.

While I managed to suffer through the entire movie, I can't claim to have been entertained, nor impressed with what transpired on the screen as the movie trotted on monotonously.

My rating of "What Happened Last Night" lands on a generous three out of ten stars. If you enjoy these fraternity/sorority comedies, then there are far, far better movies out there.
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