Ridiculous and cheesy and it insults your intelligence countless times
19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's really bad. For one, actors are in their 40s and 50s and they're supposed to be playing people in their 20s. Second, the undefined era. No phones at all, there are cars, but the brothers get around on horses? Some clothes look modern and timely, others look like someone is trying to poke fun... Third, it's really stupid for so many reasons. Elizondo girls are all adults. Yet they let their evil mother to rule every aspect of their lives with an iron fist. She doesn't let them go anywhere without permission, she decides who they socialize with, she is hellbent on choosing their husbands for them and literally forcing them to marry these guys against their will. Those are just some of the things there. And how do the girls respond to this? By obeying her, crying and pleading the heavens to soften their mother's heart and make her see the light. All the while taking responsibility and the control of their own lives seems to be high science for them. It's infuriating and it insults the intelligence. Fourth, it's ridiculously melodramatic. Every emotion is displayed in extreme ways all the time, sobbing, fighting, yelling... They even literally included elements of magic multiple times throughout the show, such as the flower on Libia's grave glowing whenever she's saying yes to them from the other side. Fifth there are plenty of ridiculous plots, specifically the extremely stupid one about who is who's mother or daughter. If it was there just once it'd still be stupid, but passable. But here first Eva thinks Rosario is her daughter. Then she isn't. Then some random woman shows up and she's supposedly Rosario's mother. Then it turns out she isn't either. Then Eva is actually Sofia's mother... Please. How stupid do you think the viewers are? To include the same ridiculous plot twist so many times in one single show. Overall, a really bad show.
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