A strong indictment of conspiracy theories
19 February 2021
Wow! I'm a little surprised with the venom of some of these reviews. I thought the show was well put together and worth the four hours. It purposely leads the viewer down a rabbit hole of possible scenarios to demonstrate how people can become fixated on a theory when they don't have all the information. I though it was a strong indictment of these self-aggrandizing web sleuths who, obsessed with solving the case, got sucked into thinking that some pretty creepy coincidences and a lack of information must mean that foul play and a cover-up are involved. Think COVID-19 + speculation = conspiracy theories... something must be up!

I found the show incredibly relevant. Everyone wants answers! But in this age of self-styled armchair expertise, fake news and people with too much time on their hands, conspiracy theories can take on the power of truth and run rampant. They can also ruin lives. Yes, the show does exploit a tragedy to make a point, but it's a point that needs to be made.
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