9-1-1: Buck Begins (2021)
Season 4, Episode 5
Never Give Up
19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was dreading this episode because my expectations were both very high and really low. In the end I wasn't disappointed nor was I catered to. I was delighted. Because storytelling wise the episode was brilliant.

I loved how it not only explained so much about Buck, but also gave us more insight into his relationship with Maddie. And into Maddie as well. And both Oliver and Jennifer did such a wonderful job.

I liked how the episode worked with juxta positioning the Buckley parents and Buck's live before, with the 118 Fam. Especially at the end, everyone's reactions to Buck going looking for the last missing person were beautiful. And it was wonderful how we have seen Buck being assured by his family that he is not alone and not lost and not nobody. It being Bobby, Hen and Athena *chef's kiss* Another perfect little moment was at the bar in Peru when he excitedly started to explain something to the dude only to realize he's not listening. Because the 118 Fam always listen, even if they tease, they listen.

I didn't much care for Buck's last scene with the Buckley parents and the way he was acting but I understood even before he explained to Maddie. He never expected anything from them. It was not hard to go back to status quo with them.

The two montages - of Buck's daredevil klutzy ways and his looking for himself all around the Americas, were a little jarring from the pace of the rest of the episode but were perfect. They very firmly established both the relationship with Maddie and with the Buckley parents. And also showed were Buck was coming from.

I love that his nickname is linked to him finding a purpose. I looooooved the postcards and how it tied to the babybox, or lack thereof. I loved the establishing of the pinky-swear.

I loved all of the Buck/Eddie scenes. His reaction when Buck was recounting his childhood. That in the fire, it was him, the first shot of his team, his family coming to help. And that it was Eddie welcoming Buck back after his check-up. Such little things but saying so much.

Speaking of the team coming for help. That whole sequence was a masterpiece and Oliver outdone himself. In the whole episode, but especially here. I wasn't expecting the team to come in that moment and the rescue to be a success. But whoever came up with the what and how and music and editing, is a genius.

I have so many feelings about this episode and so much to process, still. But I loved it. They delivered. And made me love the characters even more.
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