Did the director even read the books?
18 February 2021
I would rate this movie 0 stars if that were an option. I don't see how such a deep, wonderful story could be turned into such an atrocious movie. Characters are introduced way ahead of schedule, some of the plot lines that aren't introduced until the last books are thrust into the first movie, which isn't even named correctly. The Vampire's Assistant is the name of the second book. I've heard people say that so long as the movie is good on its own, separate from the books, then consistency with the books doesn't matter, but it does. Why even bother making a movie adaptation if you're going to completely disregard the original material? All that aside, it's just a poor movie. Which is so disappointing, because I had such high hopes when I first watched it. I guess it goes to show how bad this movie is when I could remember hating it all the way back from 2009, but upon rewatching for the sake of accuracy, it is perhaps even worse than I remember it being. Please do not waste your time watching this movie.
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