Spontaneous (II) (2020)
18 February 2021
Many of the reviews seem to be focused on the clear link between Spontaneous and the Covid pandemic and ignoring the fact that this film was made before the global health crisis.

This film is actually about high school shootings in the US and simply asks the question, if it wasn't a kid with a gun and student simply started exploding, what would happen?

I have to say I wondered all the way through this why so many people gave it such poor reviews. Then I realised that this is in many ways social commentary and open criticism of American republican government headed by Donald Trump.

Theses a wonderful darkness to this bitter sweet tale of the senselessness of indiscriminate death in American High Schools. There's more than a couple of references to gun crime and social commentary with the direct reference to a "shooter" after the first death.

The scenes of panic in the high school as the students explode are horrific.

The impotence of government with the political speak and use of "Thoughts and prayers" was particularly relevant. Government is seen as disinterested and seeking to avert blame rather than solving the crisis.

There are some truly beautiful life affirming moments which makes the sudden deaths all the more devastating as we gradually empathise with the characters.

The impermanence of existence, the briefness of youth and the anxiety associated waiting for something terrible to happen in the height of a global pandemic has particularly relevance at the moment.

Growing up in a pandemic, surrounded by death and waiting for the worst to happen isn't the message of this film. I loved the optimism and hopefulness. The moments of comedy made this a wonderful and touching tribute to the dead.

In the future we might look back at this film and realise how important it is. It's dark, funny, horrible and deeply political.

A wonderful film.
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