What did they do?!
18 February 2021
After watching the 2.0 rebuild I was hyped to see the 3rd part. 3rd part of the rebuild series came off as a major disappointment and look no further than that.

The stroy was just atrocious, a 15 year time skip! And the number of flaws and inconsistencies. For like 27 min we don't get any exposition and even after we got some details alot of my questions were still answered. The pacing was really bad. The final battle was like half the movie. And we get these usless dialogues and scenes which don't even mean anything. And lastly for the plot it doesnt even make sense, after I watched 2.0 I thought it would go in any interesting direction but no it just hit a dead end. Oh my the characters what in the world did they do to the lineup. They skipped 15 years of character development and we don't get any background details deep enough for it to make much sense. The characters are shells of their former selves.

The constant mix of CGI with hand drawn animation was really annoying, there was too much CGI at times and the animation production dipped a bit compared to the prequel. The music composition and sound choices were similiar to the prequel.

Never watching this movie again...
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