Star Trek: Voyager: The Voyager Conspiracy (1999)
Season 6, Episode 9
Seven goes online and does her own "research"
18 February 2021
In this episode Seven of Sixty Nine goes on youtube and watches hours of videos made by waffling moronic nobodies who believe the man is out to get them, and of course they are the only one who knows about it. She then downloads all the conspiracy videos into her brain and it turns her into a conspiritard. She gathers so many youtube videos that she starts creating her own conspiracies about what Voyager is REALLY doing in the Delta Quadrant.

It then gets real silly when people start actually believing what she's blabbing about. She's clearly gone in the head, spewing nonsense and they're like "hmm maybe" instead of "Doctor, beam Seven to sickbay immediately and sedate her"

Anyways I enjoyed it for the most part, and rate it 7/69
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