Dead Dicks (2019)
Brilliant concept on a limited budget does well.
17 February 2021
The negatves?. Obviously this is a low budget film, obvious by the limited locations and characters. Some of the dialogue is quite poor and also their actions and choices, some of which are..unusual. The positives? Brilliant concept. I can't think of another film that uses the basis of the script. So in my opinion very original so thought provoking. So much to the extent that you would consider your choices and actions. Yes the unfeasibly shock of the concept is accepted by one, or two (or more!) a bit too quickly. But the core plot itself quite well unfocused you from that. Don't expect any explanation of what is happening. If the film did it would collapse. A relatively short running time doesn't give you enough time to consider it and actually gives you thoughts of what the reality, the possibilities maybe just the mind blowing concept. Not a plot spoiler but also a positive for me is the low budget maybe gives it no CGI and any special effects, this is not a plot spoiler obvious early on, are done in a physical not a computer generated way. After watching I considered, and will, watching it again. You will not get all the answers served on a plate to you here. That is probably one of the best elements of the film. The film manages to be quite deep thinking and fast moving at the same time. The two blend well together. It has a lot of amusement too from your reaction to events. This wasn't done on a huge budget. But as I say the core of the script is so entertaining, original and unlikely it is manages not to make me find it a great watch. My fear is a studio will grab it, remake it and ruin it. Interestingly in UK it is called Dead D.... which confused me in to giving it a go in the first place. I prefer that title. It becomes clear what it is actually called very quickly! I hope my review has given you an insight, but no spoilers which is difficult in a review, and know enough to know if you will enjoy it or not. For anyone it does attract I hope it surprises, entertains, make you ponder possibilities when you are actually watching and are entertained as much as me.
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