Review of Music

Music (I) (2021)
16 February 2021
I am virtually unaware of the controversy surrounding this film so I'm not going to be harsh on it for the sake of it.

First this movie is boring and confused. It labels its self as a film about an autistic girl yet it seems to be more about her older sister. It is a film about the sisters romance and her job. The autistic character is just sort of in the background which really confused me.

The acting. It ranges from ok to an absolute disaster. I don't think this film had people with autism as consultants which they should have. When making a movie about a subject that is not something that you know of first had you should surround your self with people who do have first hand experience with the topic. This way you can create a honest, respectful movie. They should have cast autistic people, even if they are not the lead it would have been nice for a film like this to be more inclusive. I think one of the biggest issues is that they cast someone who isn't really an actor and isn't really that good.

The script was simultaneously boring yet a cluster of every idea and the kitchen sink. It had a heart under it all but it was just like jokey and not serious until the end and it was too late then.

The musical numbers are one of the biggest disasters of this films. It was wrote as a movie not a musical. Then they offered $10,000,000 to make it a musical and it is painful obvious. The music is literally just dumped on top of random scene. They must have looked at the script and been like "sod it just shove one there". Then the actual numbers were the cheapest things ever. Where did the money go? The costumes were so cheaply made and just bad. They looked like costumes from a school play. It was crazy to me.

I don't love it when people all jump on a movie just for the sake of it but this was really bad. Really really bad. The music was ok that's it.
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