from a country stiving...
16 February 2021
With heavy pandemic issues in real time and a rather rusty filmindustry, this is a progress on moviemaking that i hope will proceed in the years to come...

its a apocalyptic drama where a virus, seemingly much more deadly than the corona variants we're dealing with in situ, more like the black plague kind of disease is my guess. its played out at a ''private school'' for boys with posh students and rather old fashion administrative structures and orders. its a pretty locked up, closed fence society with little input from the outer world, so when one of the students gets expelled for pranking the schools property, he is met with societal decay and selfjustice due to pandemic panic and has to protect his own home and ill father with anything at hand. eventually he gets back to the school premises where the fortification of the school has already begun.

its a film about inner justice, prowling,vigilantees murder as selfdefence and murder to survive. its also a film that creates and differs men from humans and heros from humans, and woman into monsters.

its a well acted movie , even though there are some pretty mediocre theater in periods, but that is more a lack of fantasy and a rigorious way of direction by the directors,writers and producers. so the acting rescources and loads of additional scientific material could have been used to make it even better, but when the tough gets going it gets hot, and ill admit that my shoulders were up under my ears at moments.

the squemish viewer will for surtain ask why, what, where and how come, e.g. howcome these students were immunized and not becoming ill after being in touch with the lepracons, and where is the governments task forces. its also an issue how to make an end to a story like this, i didnt like the finals, but it gives some opportunities for a sequeling update in the near future.

so one songs chimes in my ears after viewing thish british pandemic havoc, cause frankie goes to hollywood once sang'' when two tribes goes to war ,a point is all that you can score''. let this be the point as the grumpy old man gives a recommend. it is what it is, a progression in quality filmaking, done with a twist even though the generic replication here and there.
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