Jiang Ziya (2020)
A wild Turkey turned even wilder after Ne Zha
13 February 2021
And used the same format of Ne Zha to draft all the similar cartoon figures with ugly patch-up designs, horrible voice over and jump-around over-the-top crazy CGI effects. Such overly used programming formula is exactly like Disney's late cartoons, all with the same facial figures, facial expressions and exaggerated voice over. Only fed satisfactory to the XX generation and those who refuse to grow up and move out of their parents houses. A generation never washed a dish, never cleaned their rooms, only used their fingers to play video games, texting non-stop, selfie non-stop, WeChat each other day and night, smoking, partying and overdosed elsewhere, so arrogantly ignorant, despise their elders, never like to work, never employed...These are the majority viewers of these kind of cartoons that made them feel at home with no substance at all.
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