Quite interesting plot, average movie
13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is similar to the Bourne series in some ways. The plot of the movie is surprisingly interesting/new (adoption of two! children, many different countries/languages, exotic/beautiful locations, quite a bit of business talk that actually makes sense if you have some basic knowledge ...). I guess it is not surprising to know that it was made after a french/belgian bande dessinée, lots of great twists and turns.

What I thought was not great is the acting of the lead character. In my view Matt Damon for example is much more credible in his role as Jason Bourne. I understand the main character here has a sort of John McClane-style larger-than-life approach, but when you are in a scene where your mother has been murdered, you know your father has been murdered, or your brother has deceived you and is killed, you would think there should be some feelings involved, otherwise there is no humor and instead you get a feeling that it is all fake. Even the scenes where he's with women seem fake as well, and especially the last one with the child back in his homeland, which is supposed to be kind of a deep emotion time and yet it comes across as a totally "forced" situation. Some of the action scenes could also be improved, as he is not the best to handle real hand-to-hand fights like Jason Stratham or Jet Li are, for example. I don't think Matt Damon is either, yet the filming of those scenes in the Bourne series was much better, resulting in more convincing scenes. I guess maybe if you spend 24 million euro you have to cut back on certain things that decrease the quality.
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