Masters of Horror: Homecoming (2005)
Season 1, Episode 6
No Skeleton Zombies? Boo
13 February 2021
Homecoming, directed by Joe Dante, and adapted from Dale Bailey's short story "Death & Suffrage" by Sam Hamm (the scribe behind Monkeybone and Batman Returns, so we're in for a treat). Oh, and it's dealing directly with the Iraq War YAYYYYYYYYY. The usual "Masters of Horror" problems are abound here. The effects are pretty cheap, it tries to do a lot with a short amount of time, and the women characters are awful. I mean, once again, we got this woman whose sole job is to have sex with the main guy, and die.

I give the film credit for having a unique motive for the zombies, having a motive at all beyond eating people is pretty original. I mean, come on, the zombies coming back to vote is even more hilarious in 2021. The performances are all pretty expressive. Every scene with Robert Picardo is pretty entertaining. He has this way of being so artificial, that it goes right back around to being authentic.

There is this VoiceOver in the film, that is literally just telling the audience what we are about to see happen, or have already seen happened. It's pretty useless, and seems to be included for fear of the audience not getting the point. It pretty much ruins the emotional core of the movie, which is already somewhat muddled for me by the fact that it is directly removed from the central conflict. As a horror movie, also, it is pretty lame. There isn't really many moments of tension or dread in the whole movie. It tries a couple of times, but I think I'm way too desensitized to zombies at this point.

I guess parts of me want to give this one a bit of a pass since it is mostly played for broad satire. The satire is pretty funny, and it does a good job of getting its message across in a way that doesn't feel condescending or thoughtless. One thing that is weirdly unaddressed by a movie that is obsessed with political maneuvering, is that no one argues that the zombies shouldn't be allowed to have a vote since they're technically dead. I mean, that is 100% the real world ramifications of Zombies coming back to vote, but whatever.
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